Ch. Labyrinth A Wink and a Smile
GCH Magic Read My Lips
GCH Brownstone Gild the Lily

Dubya is our latest star, out of George and Lily. I cant thank Alyssa Santiago and Dorothy Jackson enough for doing this lovely breeding. It was a hard choice to pick Dub from the litter, as the quality of the puppies was outstanding.
Usually, I like to get puppies into a few shows before showing them at a specialty. With my schedule that just didn’t happen. Never fear though, Dub went to the Northern Virginia Specialty and garnered Best in Sweepstakes and Reserve Winners Dog from the 6-9 puppy class. His sister, Rosie, took Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite! The next day, he again took RWD at the supported entry.
The next weekend, Dub decided to step up his game. Friday he was RWD at the Tidewater supported entry, and then decided that reserve was not for him. He was Best of Winners at the Tidewater Specialty (with Rosie going WB), and then BOW the next two days. He was entered in Charlottesville after that and took BOB from the classes. At the Skyline KC he again went BOB from the classes for a major, and then finished at the Virginia KC with another BOB from the classes and a major. All that at 8 months. He was never less than RWD, and after his first win, he was never less than BOW.
Dub hit the ground running and quickly obtained 8 field placements and his puppy points. He is well on his way to being broke by Maurice Lindley and will run in the Spring in Gun Dog States for his Dual Championship.