Ch. Labyrinth Read All About It
GCH Magic Read My Lips
CH Wincrest Copley Melody of Love
Molly Marie

Tacker came from the much anticipated breeding of George and Mollie Marie. From day one, he was destined to stay with us, and he has never ceased to exceed our expectations. He has a lovely, calm- working temperament, an exciting, ground reaching run, tremendous style on point, lovely conformation, and his father’s reach and drive. Needless to say, we couldn’t be more pleased with Tacker.
He was broke by Maurice Lindley and will be run this fall in Gun Dog Stakes in hopes of reaching the ultimate title of Dual Champion. Mo says that he has a lot of class. We think so, too. He has 6 puppy and derby placements and puppy points.
In the show ring he made his entrance with a splash finishing in 7 shows at 8 ½ months with 2 specialty wins, and a specialty supported entry. He made 2 ring appearances at 18 months to get ready for the futurity and obtained 2 select awards at 2 supported entries for 2 of the 3 majors needed for his grand championship. To ice the cake, Tacker was 2nd money male at the Eastern Futurity.
Oh, and along the way, Tacker breezed thru to win his Rally Novice Obedience title in his spare time.
Tacker is DNA’d and will be OFA’d at 2 years.
Tidewater Brittany Club
4th Puppy Stakes
Southern Maryland English Setter Club
3rd Amateur Puppy
1st Open Puppy
TarHeel Brittany Club
4th Open Puppy
Tidewater Brittany Club
4th Open Derby
2nd Amateur Derby
Mason Dixon GSP Club
2nd Amateur Derby
Tacker with
Maurice Lindley
Photo courtesy of Vic Williams